Get Involved
Home Church Langley exists to restore prodigals to the Family of God by developing them to spiritual maturity, and equipping them for ministry.
Here are some fun and easy ways to get involved at Home Church Langley.
Contact the HCL office for more information on any of these opportunities to get involved.

Bring Food Once-A-Month
At HCL we have a delightful "Community Time" in the middle of each service - a time for people to enjoy good food and sweet fellowship together. Nobody attends HCL and goes home hungry!
Kitchen Ministry Once-A-Month
To prepare for Community Time, you can help brew coffee, organize the food platters, and when the fellowship is over, load the dish-washers!
Help Set-Up Once-A-Month
This is a great way to be active, make friends, and participate in an important task of converting an empty gymnasium into a fully functional worship facility.
Signs Work Wonders (Every Weekend)
You can help attract visitors to Home Church Langley by putting up an attractive sign - in a high visibility spot in your neighbourhood - each Friday afternoon and take it down 48 hours later on Sunday afternoon.
NOW Team Member
To become a member of our Newcomer Orientation and Welcome Team or to come on board as a Sunday School Teacher, small group host, or small group leader. Please contact us.
Audio/Visual and Worship
We are always looking for tech-savvy individuals who would be willing to learn how to run the soundboard and manage the PowerPoint. There are also opportunities to participate on the worship team. Each of these jobs will require some training, but we’re always happy to teach those who are willing to learn!