Jesus wants every sheep - even the one stray from the flock of 100 - to have a faithful shepherd. Small groups help fulfill His desire.
Small Groups follow the biblical model in Acts 2. The early church gave themselves to study, teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayer.
We meet in local langley neighbourhoods. Contact us more details.
Women Encouraging Women
Women Encouraging Women
Women Encouraging Women - you're invited this Wednesday @ 10:30 am to Anne Haley's house for a morning of encouragement and refreshment in the Lord.
For more information, please call Anne:
778-908-3382 or Sharon: 604-754-9114.
Women Encouraging Women
Women Encouraging Women
Women Encouraging Women - you're invited this Thursday @ 10:30 am to Anna Irwin's house for a morning of encouragement and refreshment in the Lord as they study the book of Ephesians.
For more information, please call Pastor Jim:
Langley township
Langley township
Home Group at Pastor Jim & Babette's - You are warmly invited for this Wednesday at 7:00 pm for Christian fellowship around God's Word as the group studies the Book of Isaiah.
For more information, please call 604 514-4663.