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The path we follow through our lives sometimes takes us up steep hills, through dark places and over bumpy ground.
Walking the path is just part of life's routine. However, roadblocks and detours can sidetrack us sending us into places we don't want, don't understand and don't want to stay.
Our life path can throw us obstacles that leave us uncertain about what to do and how to get on with our journey. Help is available.
People, organizations and groups can provide guidance to overcome obstacles. Here are articles and links that may provide guidance about the issues causing distress.
Remember that prayer happens when we become conscious that God is with us. Prayer does not necessarily even need words. We can wait on God in prayer. We can be "Still and know" (Psalm 46:10) that he is God. Or we can "shout for joy". There is no correct ritual, or one way of praying. Martin Luther King (1929-1968) said "To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing." Prayer is where we grow in our relationship with God. There are many different ways to pray. Here are some ideas:
There are four common causes of problem debt. They're somewhat overlapping, and they're shared by all kinds of people, regardless of race, religion, social status, and so on. In other words, you may see yourself in more than one category.
Churchill's speech lasted less than two minutes-but it drew a standing ovation and has inspired decades of men and women ever since. What he said is the best advice you can receive when it comes to winning back your husband. Never give up!
Stepfamilies, sometimes called blended families, are unique in many ways. Unfortunately, the "Brady Bunch" disguised most of those differences and gave America an artificial security about stepfamily life. If you watched that show you probably assume stepfamilies are just like biological families. Nothing could be further from the truth. Here are just a few factors for single parents to consider before stepping into a stepfamily.
He was so cute, fun, energetic and just plain crazy - all the requirements of someone who I am attracted to.
We met at a Christian dance on New Year's Eve. We became inseparable. We spent the next month glued at the hip. I had not been looking for anyone in my life; he just appeared.
Birds chirped outside the window in the branches of the flowering locust tree. Spring hung in the air but not in my heart. I sat in the second row of the classroom watching my oldest daughter.
A person stuck in an unpleasant marriage faces only two options: stay married and miserable, or get divorced and become happy. Sound logical? Well, reality differs.
Divorce often creates additional problems and pain that had formerly not existed, such as child custody, support payments, and heartbreak.
Everyone knows someone who is going through a difficult time in life - a divorce, a death, a child in trouble. Here, you'll find many valuable resources to help you become a more compassionate and caring friend to those in need.
A drink or two now and then may seem harmless. But for more than 10 percent of people in the United States, drinking becomes alcohol abuse. Each of those alcoholics directly affects the lives of six other people, especially the ones they love.
Not everyone who sees porn will become addicted to it. Some will just come away with toxic ideas about women, sex, marriage and children. That kind of damage is bad enough. And porn isn't the only ingredient in addiction.
The two major drives that underlie the addictive process, excitement seeking and tension reduction, are often "set off" by a particular starting stimulus. We can call this the "trigger mechanism" for the addiction. It is the emotion or occurrence that starts a given cycle of addictive behaviour.